

Let's see.....

Itchy, watery eyes? CHECK!
Runny nose? CHECK!
Scratchy throat? CHECK!
Cough? CHECK!
Splitting headache every afternoon? CHECK!

Ah-Choo! Yeah, I hate springtime.

It's allergy season, yet again. And, once again I'm suffering.

It all started when I was 4 years old. I found out that I was allergic to just about everything, except penicillin. Grass, dust, mold, cats, dogs, birds, trees, ragweed...you name it, I was allergic to it. I had allergy shots for YEARS - until I was about 18, I think. Then the docs said "you're cured." Well, I wasn't "cured" - my allergies came back worse than ever the next year, and I should've sued them for malpractice. (Ah, there's that wanna-be lawyer in me coming out!).

I have taken every kind of allergy medicine out there, and while most of it has worked some of the time, none of it works all the time.

And I can't get any prescription allergy medicine because my wonderful health insurance doesn't cover it. (OK, so I could get it, but I'd have to pay full price for it which is just stupid. All because some insurance company bean-counter-hack decided it's not in the best interest of the insurance company to cover Rx allergy meds. Yeah, to hell with what's good for the patient, as long as the company's bottom line is healthy).

Anyway, I digress...

I was saying, I hate springtime. Sure, everything is blooming and turning green and pollinating. I swear today a stiff breeze blew thru my neighborhood and I saw a huge cloud of pollen come off a tree in my yard and it headed right for my house. It was like watching a cloud of toxic fumes coming my way. The sneezing and wheezing quickly followed.

And now a few of my neighbors have the audacity to mow their lawns. Don't the know that I'm suffering here? I hate the smell of freshly mowed lawn. It makes me miserable.

That being said, I'm going to go take some Motrin and try to get rid of this killer allergy-induced migraine.


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