
Driving with my eyes closed

Let me preface this by saying that fog freaks me out. I hate fog.

The drive to work this morning was going just fine and then around Perrysburg the fog started rolling across the highway. At first, I thought "well this is not so bad."

Then, the more I drove south on I-75, the worse the fog was. I couldn't see the car in front of me. I kept envisioning that there was going to be a huge pile-up and I wouldn't see it in time to stop.

It really was like driving with my eyes closed.

By the time I got off at the BG exit, I was shaking. Literally shaking. It took a good 15 minutes to calm down.

It was the scariest drive to work I've had. Ever.


  1. I'm so glad you got to work safely.

    That is extremely terrifying. Fog (and ice) are the worst.

  2. yeah i would much rather drive in snow than ice or fog.

    it was so scary.

  3. Um, this is EXACTLY how I felt this morning! I was going to write a blog about it as well until I saw this and thought, that is how I felt too! Especially the part about a big pile up...I kept thinking by the time I see something it could be too late.

    I actually live in BG and work in Perrysburg. There were many parts along the way where I could barely see the road in front of my car let alone a car in front of me!!

    And then there are people driving without their lights on or who are speeding and I keep thinking you idiots, don't you realize how bad it is?!?!?!
