
The tree is down, the gifts put away...

We undecorated the house today. Thank goodness for that.

Don't get me wrong. I like Christmas, but our house has been decorated since Thanksgiving Day and well, quite frankly, I was over it.

Olivia decided yesterday that we needed to take down the tree and decorations today...because Christmas was over. I wasn't going to argue with her.

All in all, the holiday was good. The girls have more new toys ... and no where to put them.

And....Olivia lost her first tooth last night. It's been loose since the middle of November. Kevin and I kept trying to pull it out...but she would protest saying (yelling!) "NO! It has to fall out all on its own!!!!!"

Last night it fell out all on its own. And she screamed "MOMMA!!!!!!" so loud that one would have thought she's lost an appendage or something. After she calmed down and realized she wasn't going to bleed to death from one tooth, all was right with the world again. And then she debated with us about how much money the tooth fairy would leave. "Maybe $2, or maybe $10."

The tooth fairy left $5. But only because Nana and Papa contributed to the tooth fairy's funds. Otherwise, the tooth fairy is on a tight budget and the going rate for teeth is about $2.

And now, we have some returns to make and grocery shopping to do and laundry to put away.


  1. 1. Glad you had a great Christmas.
    2. The tooth fairy in your house is generous. $5 is amazing. I believe the fairy used to drop of $25 cents under my pillow.
    3. I'm impressed that you're returning stuff today. Good for you.

  2. ha! the tooth fairy was only generous because she received a "donation" from my parents! hee hee.

    i think i used to get maybe 50 cents. maybe.

    well, we're going to target to return a defective "don't spill the beans" game. LOL. i'm not going anywhere near the mall or Kohl's or anyplace CRAZY like that. those things can wait! :)
