
Doing a happy dance

This morning I was stressing ... I had this odd feeling that I was going to get some news today about the job. And being the cynic that I am, I just KNEW it would be bad news.

I was wrong.

I was offered the job today.
And, of course, I accepted.

And so, on May 4th I will once again be gainfully employed.

I cannot tell you how happy I am about this.
I can just feel the stress of the last 10 months disappearing as I type this.

Unless you've actually experienced it, I don't think I could make you understand what it feels like to be unemployed. It's a hard pill to swallow. When you WANT to work and there isn't any work and you just keep getting rejected over and over again....it really takes a toll.

But now, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

And I am so thankful for that.


  1. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! Congratulations to you, lovely lady!

  2. The dry spell has finally come to an end! Will you be free for a celebratory coffee/bite to eat when I am in TOL over Mother's Day w/e? It's me and the kid this time....

  3. I am so happy for you. Congratulations!

  4. cindy - that should be possible..i know we are going to Findlay for lunch on the 8th (saturday) but i can do something later that day. :) would LOVE to see you!

  5. I am so happy for you, Traci! I have been in the same situation as you, and I am so glad they worked out for you! HUGS and congrats!

  6. What a happy day for you! Super excited for you and your family. My husband went through an 11 month unemployment period last year and it is WAY stressful. And like you said, when you are wanting to work and nothing is out there, it's even more stresful.
    Congrats and I hope the job is everything that you hope it will be!

  7. That is awesome! I am so happy for you!!! Can't wait to hear about :)

  8. Congrats to you! I hope the job is something that excites you and is fun!!
