
A few Friday things...

Olivia: We took Olivia to the doctor's today. We're concerned about her lack of verbal communication...basically, the kid won't talk. The list of words she does say is very short and no matter how much we worked with her with books and flashcards and just talking in general, nothing helped. So, we called the doctor and she said bring her in.

Well, this is how it went: Doctor looked in Olivia's ears and said "Wow!"...they were full of wax. For some reason, our darling princess has funky ear canals and the wax gets stuck. So, ears were irrigated. Olivia took it rather well, considering the doctor was shooting water and peroxide into her ears for about 10 minutes. What came out was, well, gross.

Doc says that might help her hear a bit better -- but added that she doesn't believe Olivia has a hearing problem (Thank God!). However, we are taking her to a Speech and Hearing Clinic to be evaluated. I tried to make the appointment, but the stupid place closes at 1 p.m. on Friday. Who do they think they are, bankers? Geez. Anyway....we'll see how the evaluation goes.

It's not that Olivia doesn't understand things...she can point to the right animals, colors, etc., when we ask her to. She just WON'T TALK. Oh, and the ear irrigation thing -- yeah, we are going to have to continue to get that done. For years.

Etc.: Start teaching again on Tuesday. Can't wait! My syllabus is finished. I have 10 people signed up. Woo-hoo!

My bump: I am getting bigger by the day. Went to the doc's on Monday, haven't gained that much weight yet. We find out on 9/15 if it's a boy or girl. Very excited about that. Will post another "bump" photo soon.


  1. This is one of these little trials that will make you an expert in something you never wanted to know about. Best thing is that you've caught it now, you're on the case and she is YOUNG. If it turns out that she's not just a quiet child, and that she needs therapy, she will improve by leaps and bounds by catching it now. By Kindergarten, it's unlikely anyone will be able to tell her from any other kid.

    And I know you're worried. I am not trying to diminish that by saying, "pah, it'll be fine." Waiting to find out if there is something unusual is very stressful. But I have seen you triumph and persevere in the midst of some huge roadblocks. I believe in you, Kevin and Olivia (and baby!) -- I know you guys can handle anything.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! Kevin and I both feel like bad parents....you know, our kid has missed a major milestone. I saw online today that a speech clinic here in town expects 2 year olds to have a 300-word vocabulary!

    I was like -- WHAT? Olivia has NOTHING close to that, at least not that she speaks. I think she's as frustrated at we are though...she gets very angry when she can't say a word.

    I will keep you posted. ;)

