
I vent because I can

I have a certain routine in the morning...that's just the kind of person I am.

My routine is this: I like to have my cup of coffee (currently decaf with "pumpkin pie spice" creamer...oh yum) and read the newspaper. It's what I do every morning. Olivia likes to watch The Disney Channel...I like to read my paper with a cup of coffee.

Today I have no paper to read.

Our ever-so-reliable newspaper delivery person has apparently decided to take the day off.

I've called The Blade twice so far, complaining that we have no paper. (Yes, once WOULD have been sufficient...but I'm pregnant and hormonal and I felt better after the 2nd time). The first complaint was just a voice activated thing (I so hate that)...so the 2nd time I pressed "0" to talk to a person. She sounded less than concerned that we didn't have a paper.

Now, considering the myriad of union problems that my hometown paper is dealing with right now -- including losing subscribers and advertisers (Toledo is a pro-union town...so you mess with the unions, you lose readers) -- one would think that The Blah would want to make sure all their remaining subscribers get their paper. Apparenlty not.

And so, my routine has been completely thrown off track. I think I might have to call and complain again, which is sad considering that it really isn't a very good newspaper. [Sigh].

I guess all I had to do was complain on this blog....minutes later my paper showed up. All is right in the world again. :) Now I can go about my day without having a break in my morning routine. (Yes, sometimes it IS the small things that make me happy).


  1. The Blah stinks. However, what stinks even more is having your routine tampered with.

    I'm glad that everything worked out - hopefully you just poured yourself a second cup of coffee and enjoyed. :-)

  2. Yes, The Blah does stink. It's a horrible paper....but until I win the lottery and start up my own competing paper...it's all we've got. [sigh].

    And, I did have a 2nd cup o' joe and tried to enjoy the paper. :)
