
Where does all my time go?

Do you ever feel that you just don't have enough time to get everything done?

For whatever reason, the past few weeks have been super busy for me....and I just can't seem to find enough time to do what I need/want to do.

I've got papers to grade and lesson plans to update for class. I'm in the midst of a huge research project for the candidate I'm volunteering for. It's so much reading and scanning things, I feel as if I'm back in law school.

Of course there are the normal, everyday things such as laundry, cooking, cleaning.....

I need to work on Olivia's scrapbook for this year. It's almost October and I'm still back in March as far as the book goes. I also need to start working on baby's book....heck, I don't even have supplies for that.

My house is a mess. I Swiffer almost every day...and yet, there is still dog hair everywhere.

My question is this: how the hell would I do all this if I actually worked full time? I wouldn't have time to do it all. And better yet, why do I feel the need to do it all?

I don't normally feel short on time....I thought maybe last week was just a fluke thing...but no, it's only Monday this week and it is happening again. I still have papers to grade, lesson plans to finalize, the monstorous research project to finish....and loads of laundry staring at me.

And yet, here I am...blogging.

OK.....I'm going, I'm going.....must grade papers. Must put preschooler back down for her nap. Again. Must feed dogs. And get the mail. And finish the laundry. And find time to relax.

There are just not enough hours in my day.


  1. good question..where does the time go? wish i had an answer.

  2. I'm amazed by motherhood.

    My sister is out of town this week, so I'm taking care of the 7-year-old and the 13-year-old (with the help of a nanny and driver) and I'm FLOORED by my lack of time. Amazing.

    YOU amaze me.
