
"I shuddered when you sat down"

The title of this post is a direct quote from the woman who sat at the table behind us last night.

Kevin, the kids and I went out to dinner to celebrate K's birthday. We went to a nice, but not fancy [read: it was NOT adults only] Italian place down on the river. We requested a table next to the windows so Olivia could watch the boats.

Halfway through dinner the woman behind us turns around and tells us that we have two of the most well-behaved children she's ever seen. And then she says: "I shuddered when you sat down. I thought, 'oh no, the whole restaurant is empty and they have to sit a family with two kids behind me.'"

Now, I understand that some people take issue with families at restaurants. And I suppose that her telling us we had well-behaved kids was a compliment. But the rest of it - very rude. Why would you ever tell anyone that you didn't like the fact that the hostess sat them near you?

It was a very bizarre thing, really.

But I will admit, both Emma and Olivia were perfect children last night at dinner. No one cried or threw a tantrum of any sort. It was amazing.

[Note: the photo above was taken AFTER the woman left the restaurant. Of course].

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