
Checking the next box

OK, so today I'm 35.

I've been having strange feelings about turning 35. When I turned 30, it was cool. I had no issues with 30. I was finally out of my 20s and all was well.

But 35 seems harder for some reason. I mean.....I now have to check the NEXT box when a survey asks me for my age. No more checking the 29-34 box. Nope. I'm now in the 35-42 box (or whatever the spread happens to be). That just seems ODD to me. And I've got MORE gray hair everyday it seems. And those little lines that weren't there a few years ago. I just feel OLDER.

And 40 seems MUCH closer than it did yesterday. I'm going to be 40 IN FIVE YEARS!!!!!!!!! Oh god.

A friend of mine made me feel better about it though - she said to think of everything I've accomplished up to this point: 2 college degrees, a loving husband, 2 wonderful kids, a nice house and a job that I LOVE.

Looking at it that way, 35 doesn't seem so bad.


  1. I feel as though that is when people start taking you seriously, and I can't wait for that. No matter what I've accomplished, no matter how right I just might be, whenever some people find out how old I am they look at me as though I'm just some little kid that said something cute. And it doesn't help that when I don't have my "nursing boobs" I look like I'm still in high school.


    Don't let 35 get you down....besides 40 is the new 30!!! So 35 is all good!!!

    And your friend is totally right!!

  3. You know, I love your friend's perspective.
    You've EARNED these 35 years. You need to own them.

    I'm willing to bet, that you've never been more confident. You've never been more sure of what you can do. You've come into your own -- and that's something that only time and experience can give you.

    Celebrate today, my friend. And have a wonderful day.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you enjoyed it.

  5. Happy Birthday! Hope your day was fabulous!

    I agree. 35 sounds established. That's a good place to be.
