

And now, a mere 24 hours after the unpacking started, I am finally finished.

All the suitcases are empty. The laundry is done and put away (yay me!). The carry on bags are unpacked. And, all the little things we bought and/or collected on the trip (including photos) are in a pile on my dining room table. Those will be dealt with later.

Now I would just like to relax a little bit. And unwind. And think about our trip.

I've come to the conclusion that the first couple of days after a vacation (especially a Disney vacation) are tough. Honestly, it pretty much sucks. A lot. At this point, I'd rather be in Disney World, sitting in the Magic Kingdom, eating Dole Whip, waiting for a parade to start.

But I'm here. Back to reality. [sigh]

It's an adjustment to come back to the 'real world'. It takes a bit of time to get back into the swing of things and not feel a bit 'blue' about it all.

That, and after months (or in our case, almost a year) of anticipation, planning and countdowns...well, it's all over. You wait and wait and wait and count down the months/days/minutes until it's time to GO and then just like THAT it's over. And you're home. And it's a bit of a (major) let down. I mean, what the heck am I supposed to plan for now? [Disney 2011 anyone?]

I think a lot of it has to do with the magic that is Disney World. It just sweeps you up. I didn't watch the news the entire time I was down there (mostly by choice, but also because the TV was always tuned to the Disney Channel for the kids). We had a USA Today delivered to our room each morning, but I only glanced at the headlines. I honestly wasn't that concerned about what was going on in the 'real world'. I didn't crave or miss Facebook or Twitter or e-mail. I was just happy being at Disney. It's so easy to lose yourself in the magic.

It's also easy to get overwhelmed, overheated, and over wrought while there. Trust me, we had our share of drama on this trip -- but then again, we also had 10 people in our group (4 of whom were under the age of 5 1/2). And you try spending a week with your family and not have any drama. Go ahead, I DARE you.

Over all, I'd say FUN was had by all about 98% of the time. The other 2% of time was not all fun and games. But you'll have that. And then you move on and have more fun. And, for the record: I had FUN. A whole lot of FUN.

And now, I have to go back to work tomorrow and think about the fact that at the end of next month I will be unemployed. And then there's the swine flu, and the economy and all the crap that goes along with that.

Gee, I wonder why I'd rather be in Disney World right now.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I know you don't want to hear it but Welcome back!! I am glad you had fun!

    I looked at some pics on facebook, the girls are too cute! How fun that they had those outfits to wear, love it!!

    P.S. Don't think about that yucky stuff just yet....what a few more days, you are still on vacation time.
