
I'm ready for May. I think.

Hold on one second here.
How in the world is it the last day of April?
Where did this month go?
Who hit the fast forward button?

Did the last 30 days seem like a big blur to anyone else?

To me it seems like the whole month of April flew by while I wasn't looking.

And now, as I look forward to the month of May I have to remind myself to take a deep breath.
The next 31 days are going to be crazy hectic busy.

Let me explain what my calendar looks like.

This week: a "training" phone call tomorrow for the new job, plus a hair appointment (my moment of relaxation for the week). Wednesday is dance class for Emma (observation day in full costume, no less), and the first of three nights of rehearsals for Olivia's first communion. Thursday and Friday nights - more rehearsals. (Seriously. Why?). Saturday, First Communion and festivities. Sunday, bridal shower.

I'm going to Atlanta for three days in the middle of the month (read tomorrow's blog post for the amazing reason why!), then we have rehearsal for Em's recital, then two days of recital shows, then Kevin heads to DC for four days. And there's Mother's Day, Memorial Day, allergy shots every Monday afternoon, dance class every Wednesday night until the middle of the month and whatever else life decides to throw at me.

Right now, I have just one week on my calendar for May where there isn't something written on every day. Oh, and add to the mix the "training" I'll be doing for the new job...which I have no schedule for right now.

Take a deep breath.
Bring it on May.
Bring. It. On.

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