
Happy 4th of July!

In honor of America's birthday...there is no Friday's Feast today...apparently the "chef" has taken the weekend off.

So....I'll post one simple question...

What are your plans for this holiday weekend?

[my answer in the comments]


  1. Last night....we went to a cookout and fireworks at my parent's country club...

    Today...we might go to the zoo...

    Tomorrow...we're going to my neice's birthday party....

    Sunday...no plans. Whew!

  2. Happy 4th to you!

    Well, I got up this morning and dropped the Ferg off for a haircut and went to Costco. I've cleaned and will pick Ferg up at 1 p.m. Tonight we're going to a "4th of July" party at a Hotel complete with a "Rock and Roll" band. (I'm super curious to see if it will be a Mexican rock and roll band. Ah well!)

    Have a GREAT weekend! Sound like you have fun plans. I hope the weather is great.

  3. i spent some lovely time wrapping up my Ohio travels and saw friends for an annual Martini Party that we have. it was fun.
    hope you all had a lovely time!

  4. We went to B.'s family's lake. Got to see the family, including our adorable nephew! Ate lots of good food, shot off $1,600 worth of fireworks and slept - a lot. Great weekend. I hope yours was too!

  5. Happy 4th!

    We slept in, went and saw Wall-e, had some good food, and just relaxed. It was fantastic!
