I'm calling yesterday "Groundhog Day for the Boot."
Went to the ortho surgeon for a(nother) follow-up appointment to see if the perpetual boot wearing and physical therapy was actually helping my ankle.
Long story short - it's not.
Doc poked and prodded my ankle (and it hurt like HELL). Then he tells me to stand on my toes on BOTH feet. No problem. Then he says, "OK pick up your left foot so you're ONLY standing on your right foot."
Not gonna happen.
I can't stand on my toes on my right foot.
So doc says "well, I would normally recommend that brace you got four years ago but I know you don't like it." No, I hate it.
And then he says "so let's so SIX MORE WEEKS of the boot and physical therapy." (Hence the Groundhog Day reference...the boot saw its shadow and I'm stuck in it for six more weeks).
And if that doesn't work? Then we talk about an MRI and possibly surgery.
I'm stuck in this effin' boot for six more weeks. But, as everyone is so keen to point on, at least my toes look pretty.
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