

Today we're celebrating Emma's 9th birthday.

I'm letting this sink in for a few minutes. It really doesn't seem possible that my youngest, my "baby," is one year away from double digits.

But let's not fast forward too much.


This is what almost 9 looks like:

Emma is our spunky, funny, smart, beautiful, athletic girl. She loves reading and animals and has declared that when she grows up she's going to open an animal rescue-veterinary office in Florida where she will tend to household pets in the front and rescue sea turtles and other wild animals in the back. She's even drawn up plans for this hybrid animal sanctuary.

This year Emma decided she didn't want to dance anymore. She had been taking dance for about five years and I think she just got bored with it. She would rather shoot hoops with her dad than put on her jazz shoes and learn a routine.

Emma and basketball - the kid loves her basketball. Last summer she started watching the Cleveland Cavaliers with Kevin and now she's their biggest fan. It's so fun to watch her watch their games. She has her favorite players - LeBron is, of course, one of them. She also has teams she can't stand (Golden State I'm talking to you).

The mornings after a Cavs game Emma will read the sports section in the newspaper to see what happened. She has also started collecting basketball cards. And, her pink and purple princess bedroom is also adorned with a LeBron James poster and 2016 calendar.

She is our one-of-a-kind kid and we wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

Happy Birthday to our sweet Emma G! We love you!

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